Wednesday 9 April 2014

Coming Soon...

Revisionist Art, Coming Soon

We're delighted to announce the forthcoming launch of 'Revisionist Art', a hand signed collection of limited edition silkscreens on canvas and paper from Bob Dylan.

In 1965 Bob Dylan picked up an electric guitar and changed the face of rock and roll music forever. In 2014 he challenges our perception of him as an artist.
Dylan has never been afraid to defy his audience – many times he has left them struggling to keep up. He left behind the protest songs and swapped his acoustic guitar for an electric one, bewildering many of his fans. But none of this ever seems to concern Dylan, his eyes are firmly fixed on the road ahead, never looking back.
In 2008 Dylan captivated the world with the Drawn Blank Series. Revisionist Art could not be any more different. This collection reveals a hard-edged, conceptual form of art that boldly displays the Dylan-esque artistic intelligence fully at work. Bob Dylan is once again showing us the world as he sees it, and he challenges us to come along for the ride.
With Revisionist Art Dylan looks to re-evaluate and re-contextualise things that we have known and maybe taken for granted. It can satirise, it can parody, and it can also seek truths that were missed or even hidden the first time around. It aims to shine a light in the face of passive acceptance and make the audience pause and think again. 
The new collection will be officially released and available to view and order from Friday 11th AprilPlease join us to see this fantastic new collection in the gallery. 
For additional information please contact us on 0191 233 2200 or email us at
Best Wishes, 
The Newcastle Team,
Sarah, Mandy, Steph and Holly