Tuesday 31 March 2009

Anthony's Doing Something Funny For Money!!

Friday the 13th March! Eek, this date strikes fear into the hearts of many but for Anthony Dorman the reason was something much less superstitious.

89 miles on an exercise bike, in our halogen lit gallery window, in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne. It would be tough, it would need determination and stamina, by the end of the day it would smell.

The only thing spurring him on was the desire to raise oodles of cash for Red Nose Day, such a worthy cause.

By the time the day came along Anthony had raised over £300 via http://www.myrednoseday.com/

His two weeks of training had consisted of evenings spent consistently glued to the exercise bike in preparation for his big day and the morning started steadily with Anthony cheerily smiling and waving at passers by. 35 miles down and the first break out of the way and the going was beginning to get a little tougher but Anthony never faltered, people came into the gallery for two reasons, to support Anthony by donating and then to poke fun at his pain.

With 20 miles to go Anthony began to smell pretty bad and his knees were taking a battering. He had been cycling solidly for approximately 5 hours and although he would only cycle for another hour or so to complete his mission each mile felt like a million. It was all the more sweeter to finish knowing that through friends of the gallery along with artists and staff from Castle Galleries and Washington Green, a whopping £554.40 was raised both through the website and on the day.

Anthony would like to thank everyone who helped him through not only the much important donations but also motivation and support.

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