Wednesday 1 April 2009

New Artists Now In The Gallery

Spring has arrived and the nights are getting lighter. In keeping with the sense of new beginnings we are currently showing a selection of inspiring and fresh artwork from some of Washington Green's latest artists. From the vibrant cityscapes by Lesley-Anne Derks to the contemporary work of graffiti artist Ge Feng.

The night scenes featured in Lesley-Anne's work are inspired by the locations that have captured her imagination on her varied travels.

Rachael has formed a huge bond with Lesley-Anne's work due to the fact that they both hail from the Scottish town of Falkirk.

"I feel in order to paint these scenes you must see them first hand and travelling is an integral part of my work. I need to hear the sounds, smell the smells, soak up the atmosphere of a particular place. I also use my camera as a back up to these experiences treating it almost as my sketchbook. When taking photographs I know exactly what I am hoping to capture in my composition. The camera also allows me to play with movement, such as passing vehicles. I then work from a series of photographs and choose certain elements from each one bringing them together in one composition."

The work of Ge Feng is a truly refreshing and different to anything else in our portfolio utilising photography with stencil and graffiti techniques. Originally from China Ge now lives in England and has utilised characteristics from both cultures to create his imagery.

"Originally my photos were just a source of inspiration for artwork. Nowadays I am using the photographs more directly, blowing them up and printing them on canvas as a background for my graffiti. I enjoy the interaction between places and people. This is a major attraction of graffiti. I think of a character I would like to paint, then search out a perfect location. I photograph the location, bring it home to my studio and stencil my character in this new habitat."

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