Friday 17 April 2009

Sarah's Thoughts

Here at Castle Galleries Newcastle we strive to bring you up to date and innovative work from some of the country and the world’s leading fine artists. In this respect, we are making it our aim to bring to you some new and exciting originals from some of our leading fine artists.

At the minute I can’t seem to get enough of Derrick Fielding. It’s been a while since we had some new print releases from him but he’s been busy in the studio creating some amazing originals. It seems quite clear to me he has also been listening to one of my favourite group’s new albums, Elbow’s the ‘Seldom Seen Kid’ as he appears to be taking influence from their lyrics and song titles. This is much to my delight as I am already in possession of one of his earlier, musically influenced pieces, ‘But Soon Comes the Night’ which is based on the infamous classic, ‘Mr Blue Sky’ by Electric Light Orchestra’. I find his use of shadow and line work is integral in creating these dramatic images. We are hoping to have a number of his originals on display very soon so keep an eye out for them; I hope you find them as exciting as I do! (I also highly recommend buying the ‘Seldom Seen Kid’ by Elbow!!!)

‘Throw Those Curtains Wide’
Based on the song ‘One Day Like This’ by Elbow

‘Blinking in The Morning Sun’
Based on the song ‘One Day Like This’ by Elbow

I find it thoroughly refreshing when I find that artists take inspiration from such things as music or theatre, as I feel that it allows me to relate to the artist on a more personal level, it can also allow me to relate to the artwork on a more personal level, giving me a better idea of the inspiration for the piece and the inner working’s of the artist’s mind as they were creating it.

Another artist’s original work that is exciting me greatly at the moment is that of Lawrence Coulson. He is a much more traditional landscape painter who has been using a much more experimental use of colour as of late. His dramatic use of alternative colour and light helped create the breathtaking images below. I particularly like the image ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. The drama that has been created with the contrasting use of light and darkness of the clouds reminds me of what my Mam used to say to me when an almighty thunder storm was erupting, “the gods are bowling again!!”

‘My Kingdom’
By Lawrence Coulson

‘The Greatest Show on Earth’
By Lawrence Coulson

At present we have some remarkable originals in the gallery from Paul Kenton and Hamish Blakely.

Paul has been making light work of his screwdriver again in this spectacular image ‘Dockside Overview’. His work is reminiscent of that of Jackson Pollock with his use of free flowing dribbled paint, allowing it to fall from a height and harnessing its erratic behaviour. It is definitely worth a visit to the gallery to view this piece and how a delicate flick of red paint can highlight a mammoth crane and busy street cars. I also challenge people to pick out Big Ben!

‘Dockside Overview’
By Paul Kenton

The piece which we currently have displayed from Hamish Blakely is truly one of the most stunning we have ever had in the gallery and comes with a very apt title ‘Beaucoup D’amour’. As ever Hamish has managed to capture the raw passion between these two figures so that you can almost feel the heat radiate from the canvas. Words can’t describe the beauty of this piece so I urge you all to come and see it with your own eyes and keep popping in to see which new works we will be unveiling each week.

‘Beaucoup D’Amour’
By Hamish Blakely

Watch this space for more of Sarah's Thoughts (lol)

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