Friday 19 March 2010

Introducing Louise Dear

Here at Castle Galleries Newcastle we are very excited to introduce to you a fantastic new artist - Louise Dear! Her paintings are very much a celebration of the female form. Her pictures are about women feeling lush and gorgeous and free and she hopes that every woman who views her work can relate to that. Louise initially embarked on a career within the fashion industry having studied fashion design at Medway College of Art & Design which brought her into contact with the burgeoning Young British Artists. It was here that her passion for art came into blossom. At the age of 21 she purchased a 1963 Bedford Ambulance with her partner, painted it honey pink and then set off travelling around the world!

'Yum Yum'
Signed Limited edition by Louise Dear

Throughout her travelling she soaked up inspiration from all corners of the globe travelling around Europe, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, North Africa and South East Asia. She eventually arrived in Australia, took root and became an exhibition designer. In 1993 she came back to England and gave birth to her daughter - Lama - on whom alot of her creations are based (see the image below)

'Crush II'
Limited Edition of 150

Louise is very passionate about colour which is apparent to anyone viewing her work. She uses it in a very vibrant and intense way and is continually exploring the power it has to invade people's senses and influence their emotions.

Here at Castle Galleries Newcastle we are very excited about these new releases, so much so that we have decided to dedicated our front window to her work. We have had two girls here at the gallery this week, Lauren and Caitlin, and they have been learning the in's and out's of gallery life. They have created between them a fantastic display in our window as shown in the photographs below.

Lauren said this about the window: " I helped to paint the lips and the writing in the window. I feel that the window has worked very well. I really like Louise's work, it is extremely colourful and I think that it can change the atmosphere of a room.

This week has been very eventful and exhausting with an addition of coming home with aching feet. I have mastered the skill of using the tape gun and how to source items to use for the window display.

Caitlin had this to say: " I thoroughly enjoyed painting the lips. First we painted the outline of the lips and then Lauren painted the white detailing. We then both contributed to painting the pink section. The stripes were created in the window by masking off certain sections with tape and then painting in between the gaps.

This week has been exhausting with alot of being on your feet and heavy lifting, but we have learned alot like how to wrap a painting, how to approach a customer and how to send a selling email.

Lauren and Caitlin have been a welcome addition to the gallery and we are very proud of the window display they have created. It has attracted alot of attention and is bringing alot of people into the gallery.

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