Friday 18 June 2010

Work Experience

My name is Hailey, I am 17 and go to St. Bedes 6th form College; from the 14th till the 18th of June 2010 I have been doing my work experience here at castle gallery Newcastle. During my week here I have had many tasks which I have enjoyed doing, from gallery presentation to stock take. On Thursday the 17th we re-hung the gallery which was my favourite part of this week as it gave the gallery a different atmosphere with a variety of different work which were all equally different but work well together too.

Within the gallery at the moment my two favourite pieces are Blondie by Simon Claridge and City icons – Ben by Neil Dawson. I normally prefer bright coloured pieces with as pop art style but the Blondie piece is black and white, I think this piece has drawn my attention more than what I normally prefer as this piece is part of the diamond dust collection, the background has a glittery effect which has made it more appealing to me. The frame for the Blondie piece is very ostentatious and as it is an old fashioned frame on a contemporary painting has given an even better outlook to the piece. The painting by Neil Dawson is another one of my favourites as the technique of painting has made the piece look in motion when looking at it from a distance and looking at it up close you can see the brush strokes and fine detail that has been added to get the outcome of the piece.

Overall my experience here this week has been very pleasant and I would advise anyone with an interest in art to come and either do their work experience here or come look at the gallery.

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